Campaign News
Who am I? – Who are you? – Who are we?
Who am I? – My name is John Singletary. I grew up in North Charleston, I am a business owner, and I am convinced that together you and I can make North Charleston a city where all citizens can receive the opportunity for a better quality of life. I have worked for and contracted for Fortune 500 companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Chick-fil-A, and Nucor. I have managed budgets in excess of $200 million dollars. I graduated from the Citadel in 1983 with a B.S. Degree in Business Administration and completed my graduate work at Butler University. I served as the past President of the state-wide South Carolina Fatherhood Practitioners Network, as White Oaks Mall Merchants Association President, as the Regional Financial Manager for seven counties in the South Carolina First Steps Program, and as President of several other organizations. I am well equipped with the skill set necessary to lead this city through the 21st Century and guide our city to a higher level of service for its citizens.
My Promise to You!
- Accountability & Transparency
- Community Care and Cooperation (Not Retribution)
- More Jobs & Better Pay Based Upon Parity
- Fair Contract Awards for All Sectors of the Population
- New Community Centers & and AAU Mega Sports Complex
- Redesigned Police Department & Judicial System
- A Pledge to Work Hard and Be Fair to All Citizens in North Charleston