
African Americans in North Charleston must desire, demand, and be committed to working hard for a better quality of life. We must engage in and demand active involvement in government before we can or will be taken seriously or given mutual respect in government. True Leadership is necessary for progress. The African American Community in North Charleston, needs more than false representation and misrepresentation by those who take money, positions, and gifts in exchange for the opportunity of the mass community, to move forward. Our community cannot survive with those who only serve to divide our community and keep the community in economic and social enslavement. In order for the African American community to move forward we must eliminate those who use the “Judas Syndrome”. A Judas Syndrome occurs when a secret backdoor meeting is held. Then, only a few people benefiting from the backdoor meeting with what amounts to a cheap 30 pieces of silver payout to a few at the expense of the community’s benefit. Finally, the kiss of betrayal follows and the community at large is crucified. We must stop this type of “Poverty Pimping” by some of our leadership because it only destroys our chance for success.

The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity, in the effort to address the gravamen of human oppression, wrestles with the life-and-death question of “How can oppression be overcome in ways that do not lead to cycles of malicious RETRIBUTION?” Remember the current mayor’s promise after the election, he said: “there will be some retribution in the future”.

I believe Martin Luther King Jr. when he said: “ In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” There is no substitute for voting. Like salvation, you have to do it for yourself.

African Americans in North Charleston are inextricably tied together. Whether the African American Community rises out of the ashes and improve their quality of life or sinks deeper into depths of despair and remain the footstool for others, depends solely upon their ability to unify as one community and cast a unilateral vote. A candidate with the necessary skill set, community loyalty, courage, and one who pledges his or her commitment to moving the entire community forward is needed. John Singletary is that candidate. Nov. 5, 2019, will be North Charleston’s African American Community’s Super Bowl of Success. Nov. 5, 2019, will be the time for the African American community to bring their “A “game.

An African Proverb says “If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together.”

In the beginning, we must come together and cast a unilateral vote to win. Then we must stay together to make progress. Finally, with wisdom, we must learn how to work together for success.